Word of mouth advertising can be a powerful way to influence customer decisions and loyalty, adding considerable credibility to the brand of any business. “Experiential customer engagements and advocacy are at the core of this strategy.

Word-of-mouth marketing includes social shout-outs (@mentions and tagged posts), reviews and testimonials. Feminine product brand Always successfully advocated for gender-inclusive female emojis within instant messaging apps with their #LikeAGirl campaign.


Word-of-mouth marketing builds trust like traditional advertising cannot. Its credibility stems from being recommended by trusted friends or peers and it’s more relatable than commercials or other types of advertisements; making word of mouth marketing one of the most effective strategies for e-commerce companies.

To increase word of mouth for your online store, create products worth talking about and provide exceptional customer service. Encourage current customers to spread the word by offering incentives like discounts or loyalty points; these may help encourage more exposure of your brand among potential new buyers.

Not only can WOM help your company increase sales, but it can also give it an in-depth knowledge of the needs and wants of its target market. Customer feedback provided by customers can be immensely helpful when creating future business strategies; but remember not every positive experience will lead to referrals; in fact some may choose to spread negative experiences instead.


Word-of-mouth marketing allows a loyal base of customers to organically promote your products to others and boost sales without incurring the costs associated with traditional marketing strategies.

As an example, your best friend could rave about an impressive gadget they just purchased, leading you to research it further on your own and give it a try yourself. These personal experiences carry more weight than traditional advertising; 88% of shoppers claim they trust recommendations from friends and family over any other form of promotion.

Attract people’s attention and encourage conversation around your product with engaging content such as relatable memes, in-depth blog posts and captivating videos that create buzz about your business. Partnership with influencers with large followings could also help amplify the message about it.


Once upon a time, customers were persuaded to make decisions based on discounts, limited offers and manipulative calls to action – even when these methods sacrificed long-term brand loyalty. But today’s consumers place far greater reliance on personal recommendations from friends and family than ever before.

Digital technology has made spreading positive word-of-mouth even simpler, providing businesses with an opportunity to leverage it by offering exceptional customer experiences, including social proof in marketing efforts and building a community of advocates.

Businesses can monitor the impact of word of mouth campaigns with web analytics tools, like Canva’s Design Stories series. A spike in website traffic indicates whether their word-of-mouth campaign was effective; customers who see themselves represented can then share this content, further building brand reputation and engagement – not to mention helping SEO efforts!


Word-of-mouth marketing’s value cannot be overstated: it allows e-commerce brands to reach new customers quickly with trust-building tactics without incurring costly marketing expenses.

Brand advocacy and word of mouth promotion requires providing exceptional experiences to existing customers and encouraging them to share them with friends and family. Incentives like discounts or loyalty points may further enthuse such behaviors.

Create a community around your product by encouraging online discussion and participation on forums or social media groups. Showcase customer testimonials and reviews prominently on your website or e-commerce platforms in order to instil trust among potential buyers.

Foster a sense of community by engaging people around a common interest or experience, leading them to identify with your products and brand even more closely, making them part of their identity. That’s why fans of certain TV shows call themselves Trekkies, Bronies or Fannibals! By cultivating this feeling of shared community you can turn diehard customers into ambassadors for your brand.